Very excited as I will soon be moving shop.
I am currently in a smallish shop which suited my needs 2 1/2 years ago, but I have now outgrown it.
I have been negotiating with the agent for the landlords who own the shop. The shop is located smack bang in the middle of town. It is in the primary shopping center and on the main drag along with the big retail boys.
Located just yards from the likes of Boots, Argos , Whsmiths, and the Post Office. Not to mention a gaggle of other high street brands.
The move will mean that my retail environment will more than double in size and that my workshop space will quadruple in size. It will be really great as my current workshop is really cramped. And having the extra room for all my tools will be just ace.
Now we have agreed the terms for the new shop, the legal stuff will probably start tomorrow. Unless there is legal complication, I should be moving into my new shop in November.
Tis all very exciting.
-- Posted From My iPhone. Blogging when I am not stuck indoors.