To begin with, I anneal some silver square wire. the black on this wire is just the remnants of heating it up to 900 plus degrees under a flame.
Once the silver is annealed (softened), it is wrapped around a mandrel (a cylinder) so that it is roughly the correct ring size.

1) The silver has been cut at a length that gives the correct ring size. You can see that i have neatened up the edges so that they form a tight fit.
2) The ring has now been soldered, afterwhich it was put in a pickle solution which removes the tarnish and flux which builds up during the soldering.
3) I marked out the ring into quarters. I used a marker pen so that you could see the reference points I was using. I then started to file a curve onto each outside quarter of the ring.
4) I have now progressed the filing. in this picture you can see three of the four outside edges have been filed to give the ring a symmetrical look.

Here is the finished ring.
I continued filing the ring, until it was very symmetrical and I had the correct dimensions on all the edges and corners.
This was then sanded with fine sandpaper and eventually polished to this high polished finish.
The ring was made to just under the required ring size. After it has been polished, it is given its final sizing adjustment, ready for the lucky new owner.
I hope you like this ring, you can order your very own by visiting my etsy shop. chrisparry.etsy.com
Hi Chris, how do you do your final sizing adjustment? I have not made a ring in ages, and getting the right size was never mys strong suit. You mentioned you made it to just under the customer's size - do you anneal and stretch on a mandrel or remove material from the inside of the ring?
Just a quick response to your post.
You can do either, it depends on the design of the ring. Some may not suit stretching, so I might planish the underneath of the ring shank to stretch just that part slighty.
If it is a simple band, then I may use a stretcher.
If it is overly complicated and the depth allows, I will remove some of the inside.
I am usually only a half size out, at this stage so making it to the right size in the first place is the secret.
I am off on hols this week, just in case you throw any more questions back this way.
Thanks, Chris!
wow chris, you are truly a fountain of useful and worthy info. i love this ring! what the heck gauge of wire is that? ive never seen square gauge wire that thick before... you probably pulled it yourself right?
Hi Julie
It is 4mm square wire and can be bought at this gauge.
I think in this instance I had drawn this down from something larger.
There are lots of ways to make this type of ring, so this is only one version. You couldn't afford the luxury of filing away so much metal if you were working in gold or platinum.
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